So. I've just realised I've not blogged for over two years! Crikey, time goes past quickly. A lot has happened in that time, and my life has turned round and upside down in many ways, good and bad.
The bad: In Feb 2011 I had a car accident. At first, I got away uninjured, but then later on that night it transpired I hadn't been quite so lucky. I was in a lot of pain, and then all I wanted to do was sleep. 18 months later, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
In October 2011, I FINALLY had the break I'd been looking for, and got another full time teaching job *megahappydance*. However, it was an hour away, so two hours travelling on top of the stress of teaching, too long out of a classroom, and still really struggling after the accident, it didn't work out, and just three months later my contract was ended (as in, I was taken into a meeting and told that my contract was being ended there and then). Other than private tuition, I've not taught since.
In December 2011, I went home to Yorkshire for Christmas to be met with the news that nanna was poorly and in hospital. She looked so frail, but luckily got stronger, and eventually went into a carehome. When I next saw her at Easter she was almost back to her old self, however over the summer, she went downhill, and sadly died in October 2012.
But I did also say there has been good news: permanent, full time work!! Losing my last teaching job was a horrible experience, and I was sat there knowing I didn't have money in savings to support myself any further, and knowing how difficult it had been to get a job previously. I got home, and straight away started applying for anything and everything. One place I sent my CV off to was looking for a French and Spanish speaking customer service advisor, advertised through an agency. Just 15 mins after submitting my CV I had a call asking if I was still interested. When I said yes, he got in touch with the company and set up an interview for the following day. The interview was on a Friday, and I had absolutely no idea how it had gone, with it being the first non-teaching interview I'd done in so long. So it was a lovely surprise on the Monday to get a call offering me the job, and just two days later, two days after I'd lost my teaching job, I started.
I only intended it to be a stop gap job, but I've really enjoyed working there (most of the time!), I'm good at my job, it really uses my degree, and over 18 months later I'm still there.
Hobbies wise, I'm still very much Guiding. The new job meant that I couldn't get to Guides so easily, so made the decision a year ago to move to the unit close to home. I've also taken over as camp advisor, which has brought with it another huge job!
I've also taken up geocaching, hunting for tupperware using multimillion dollar satellites!
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